Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Is Evolutionism Racist?

 I have been taking the Creationist Worldview  (from online course for about two years now. I have really found it beneficial, informative and useful. This week, I was reading in one of the books that came with the course, Many Infallible Proofs, by Henry M. Morris, about the origin of the different nations on Earth.
Which leads me to the topic of discussion today. If you have read or studied the Old Testament at any length you probably know that it is from Noah's three sons that all the peoples of today have stemmed from. From Ham, Shem and Japheth, we all have come, and each one of us is a descendant of one of the three sons.
From what has been surmised and projected, Ham's descendants migrated into the African, Western Asian and Native American countries. Japheth's offspring moved to Europe, and Shem's stayed in the Middle East/Eastern Asian terrains.
The topic of how each nation came to be is really something to be covered at another time, what I wanted to talk about today was about racism and how it relates to evolutionistic thinking.
I am not simply name-calling when I state that evolutionism is racist.
This is something very much a reality, and it is truly very sad.
Truth be told, I am heartbroken in general about racism and how it has ruined so many lives who have chosen to believe that way. The though that one man is better, and superior to another, simply because of his physical attributes is just plain evil, and equally disturbing.
Multiple times throughout Scripture, God states that He is not a "respecter of persons", in other words, He does not favor or value one human being over another ultimately.
Galations 3:28 says... "There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither bond nor free, there is neither male nor female: for ye are all one in Christ Jesus."
  And, Romans 10:12 -  "For there is no difference between the Jew and the Greek: for the same Lord over all is rich unto all that call upon him."
 Finally, (although this is just a mere sampling of the many verses which relate to this topic!) Romans 2:11 "For there is no respect of persons with God."
Obviously, Creationism is not a racist belief system and has never been. There have been people who called themselves "Christian", and were racist, but God is not responsible for their decisions or actions. I do not think you can follow God's will and be racist; or be a true Christian and think that white people are 'better' than black people for example. So much in Scripture is this way of thinking refuted it just seems impossible to be both a racist AND follower of Jesus Christ!
Evolutionism itself is rooted deeply in racist thought, and vice versa.
Adolf Hitler, whom some believe was one of the most wicked (and quite obviously, extremely racist) men to ever exist, stated a belief in 'natural selection'., in this quote.
"By leaving the process of procreation unchecked and by submitting the individual to the hardest preparatory tests in life, Nature selects the best from an abundance of single elements and stamps them as fit to live and carry on the conservation of the species.[2]"
And, again, here: "Whatever survives these hardships of existence has been tested and tried a thousandfold, hardened and renders fit to continue the process of procreation; so that the same thorough selection will begin all over again. By thus dealing brutally with the individual and recalling him the very moment he shows that he is not fitted for the trials of life, Nature preserves the strength of the race and the species and raises it to the highest degree of efficiency.[2]"
In justifying his own vegetarianism, he stated, "The monkeys, our ancestors of prehistoric times, are strictly vegetarian".[4]   If you can't see the evolutionistic mindset here than you might want to do some more research on the topic!
Just as one of the most adamant racists and white supremacists of history did in fact subtly infer favoring a naturalistic approach to creation, many evolutionists also have proclaimed (more or less subtly) racist ideologies.
The man more responsible than any other for the widespread acceptance of evolution in the 19th century was Thomas Huxley. Soon after the American Civil War, in which the black slaves were freed, he wrote as follows:
"No rational man, cognizant of the facts, believes that the average negro is the equal, still less the superior, of the white man. And if this be true, it is simply incredible that, when all his disabilities are removed, and our prognathous relative has a fair field and no favour, as well as no oppressor, he will be able to compete successfully with his bigger-brained and smaller-jawed rival, in a contest which is to be carried out by thoughts and not by bites."3
 What a horrible, cruel thing to say of another person!
"Ab initio, Afro-Americans were viewed by these intellectuals as being in certain ways unredeemably, unchangeably, irrevocably inferior."5
 The word "race", itself, is rather evolutionistic. It in biological terms defines a 'sub-species', or, species in the midst of evolving. And, it definitely does not describe an ultimately finished product.
As stated in the early chapters of Genesis, God made everything "good". Adam and Eve were created as 'final product', fully mature adult human beings. They did not evolve and neither had they come from evolving. Micro-evolution has been confused with this, and some have said that Biblical Creationists have been inconsistent in their argument that evolutionism is racist, because accordion to them, micro-evolution could be seen as a means of a species evolving to something 'greater'.
I do not think this is valid, but I'll save micro-evolution for yet another day. I know I have rambled quite a bit in this post so I want to get the gist of this discussion.
While I would not define a religion or stasis of thought simply on what some of its followers have believed; this does have a lot to do with how one can view the belief system. Darwin himself, known as the 'creator' of evolutionism, inferred racist ideas subtly throughout his writings. And, if the very 'creator' of the naturalistic religion of evolution did such, it is reasonable to assume that racism can and does indeed go hand in hand with evolution.
Think of natural selection alone. A concept which purports the eventual annihilation of the 'weak', and the 'survival of the fittest.' Surely it was not implied merely of the animal world, since Darwin believed humankind itself to be members of this realm and obviously nothing more than another species. Therefore, if natural selection is applied to mankind, wouldn't it seem awful racist in many ways? Yes, we have changed physically since the flood and Adam and Eve, but we are still all humans...people...created by God, and immensely precious in His eyes. We are ALL made in His image!
 By the way, do you ever see the word "race" mentioned in His Book? No? That's because it's a word He never uses therein. Instead, we see "peoples, nations, tribes, languages." God doesn't judge us by our skin color, He judges us by our hearts. (1 Sam. 16:7)
Is evolution racist? Yes. But thankfully, the Creator of the universe isn't.

Saturday, March 9, 2013

Thoughts On The Age of the Earth

Hello Everyone! Sorry for the late post!
Today we are going to talk about the age of the earth!
I’m sure a lot of teachers have told you that the earth was formed billions of years ago, but to be honest with you, no it was not. The earth is only about 6,000 years old.
How do you know? Some may ask.
Well, there are many ways of being sure of this.
For one, we have the Bible (God’s Word given to us), and if you add up the ages from Adam-Jesus (and from then on we have the date calculated) it’s about 4,000 years, and from Jesus to now about 2,000 years.
I’m sure you’ve all heard of the “gap theory”, right? You know, the theory that says there are millions of years between Genesis 1:1 and 1:2? The theory that says God didn’t mean a literal day?
In Hebrew the word for day is Yom. Throughout the entire bible, the word yom is used, and no where does anyone question it meaning a literal 24 hour day, except in Genesis. The devil tries over and over again to take away the foundation of Christians by confusing them with how the world started.
Yes, the word day can mean many different things.
For instance, it can mean...
1. 24 hour period of time.
2. The time of light between one night and the next.
3. A specific time or period. (The Lord’s day)
However, once one understands the meanings of the word day, it should be easy to understand which one is which.
God created the universe and everything in it in this order:
On day one God created Light.
On day two God divided the firmament from the waters.
On day three God created grass and trees.
On day four God created the sun, moon, and stars.
On day five God created the sea creatures and flying creatures.
On day six God created animals, and man in his image.
Some may ask, how can God create the earth in just six days? Wouldn’t it take billions of years?
God, the All Powerful Intelligent Being, and Creator of Everything, could have made the earth in a split second. God has the power to do everything. It was no problem at all for him to create the world in six days.
If it would have taken God more than six days, then why do we have the Sabbath day as the seventh day? The day in which God rested from all his work? God didn’t say, “Work for millions and billions of years, and rest for millions and billions of years.” No, God said, “Work six days, and rest on the seventh.”
So, for the big earth age question.
Haven’t scientists proven the age of the earth is billions of years old?
No, they have not!
There are many proofs that the earth is young.
Biological proof, Geological evidence, Astronomical evidence, and much more!
Even history claims a young earth!
If you count the population of people (6 people) from 4,500 years ago (after the Flood), you would end up with the population of people today, but try thinking people “evolved” millions of years ago with the population we have today. I would wonder, umm, where might all the people be???
Bone tissue and red blood cells (which aren’t supposed to live but a few thousand years) were found in a Tyrannosaurus Rex. Also, DNA was taken from bacteria that evolutionists’ said to be 425 million years old. DNA isn’t supposed to last over thousands of years. This has confused many “scientists”.
God changed the languages after The Tower of Babel was built. Many evolutionists’ believe some languages are separated by tens of thousands of years, but similarities in many languages say otherwise.
A lot of cultures relate back to “myths” or “legends” about an earth destroying flood., but these are stories past down from their ancestors of the world wide flood in Noah’s day. The stories differ somewhat, one from another, because most of it was passed down generation to generation either spoken or written. But we know what happened during the flood, because God promised to preserve his Word throughout all generations.
“The words of the LORD are pure words: as silver tried in a furnace of earth, purified seven times. Thou shalt keep them, O LORD, thou shalt preserve them from this generation for ever.” ~ Psalm 12:6-7
There are many proofs of a young earth, in which, we will discuss in detail soon!
Always remember to trust in God. He has all the answers.
His galaxies are amazing and full of endless wonder!