Saturday, March 9, 2013

Thoughts On The Age of the Earth

Hello Everyone! Sorry for the late post!
Today we are going to talk about the age of the earth!
I’m sure a lot of teachers have told you that the earth was formed billions of years ago, but to be honest with you, no it was not. The earth is only about 6,000 years old.
How do you know? Some may ask.
Well, there are many ways of being sure of this.
For one, we have the Bible (God’s Word given to us), and if you add up the ages from Adam-Jesus (and from then on we have the date calculated) it’s about 4,000 years, and from Jesus to now about 2,000 years.
I’m sure you’ve all heard of the “gap theory”, right? You know, the theory that says there are millions of years between Genesis 1:1 and 1:2? The theory that says God didn’t mean a literal day?
In Hebrew the word for day is Yom. Throughout the entire bible, the word yom is used, and no where does anyone question it meaning a literal 24 hour day, except in Genesis. The devil tries over and over again to take away the foundation of Christians by confusing them with how the world started.
Yes, the word day can mean many different things.
For instance, it can mean...
1. 24 hour period of time.
2. The time of light between one night and the next.
3. A specific time or period. (The Lord’s day)
However, once one understands the meanings of the word day, it should be easy to understand which one is which.
God created the universe and everything in it in this order:
On day one God created Light.
On day two God divided the firmament from the waters.
On day three God created grass and trees.
On day four God created the sun, moon, and stars.
On day five God created the sea creatures and flying creatures.
On day six God created animals, and man in his image.
Some may ask, how can God create the earth in just six days? Wouldn’t it take billions of years?
God, the All Powerful Intelligent Being, and Creator of Everything, could have made the earth in a split second. God has the power to do everything. It was no problem at all for him to create the world in six days.
If it would have taken God more than six days, then why do we have the Sabbath day as the seventh day? The day in which God rested from all his work? God didn’t say, “Work for millions and billions of years, and rest for millions and billions of years.” No, God said, “Work six days, and rest on the seventh.”
So, for the big earth age question.
Haven’t scientists proven the age of the earth is billions of years old?
No, they have not!
There are many proofs that the earth is young.
Biological proof, Geological evidence, Astronomical evidence, and much more!
Even history claims a young earth!
If you count the population of people (6 people) from 4,500 years ago (after the Flood), you would end up with the population of people today, but try thinking people “evolved” millions of years ago with the population we have today. I would wonder, umm, where might all the people be???
Bone tissue and red blood cells (which aren’t supposed to live but a few thousand years) were found in a Tyrannosaurus Rex. Also, DNA was taken from bacteria that evolutionists’ said to be 425 million years old. DNA isn’t supposed to last over thousands of years. This has confused many “scientists”.
God changed the languages after The Tower of Babel was built. Many evolutionists’ believe some languages are separated by tens of thousands of years, but similarities in many languages say otherwise.
A lot of cultures relate back to “myths” or “legends” about an earth destroying flood., but these are stories past down from their ancestors of the world wide flood in Noah’s day. The stories differ somewhat, one from another, because most of it was passed down generation to generation either spoken or written. But we know what happened during the flood, because God promised to preserve his Word throughout all generations.
“The words of the LORD are pure words: as silver tried in a furnace of earth, purified seven times. Thou shalt keep them, O LORD, thou shalt preserve them from this generation for ever.” ~ Psalm 12:6-7
There are many proofs of a young earth, in which, we will discuss in detail soon!
Always remember to trust in God. He has all the answers.
His galaxies are amazing and full of endless wonder!


  1. Note: I (Leah) posted this for Symphony because she was having issues with her computer. So even though it shows that *I* posted it, it's really Symphony's post fyi. :)

  2. This is so true. I dont understand why people won't believe God's Word, but will hang on to the most bizarre things that man can make up as being truth. Thank you, Symphony, for explaining and giving proof of our universe being much younger than unbelievers want to think. Your ability to look beyond science and find proof of our young world, such as with the DNA evidence is excellent. The devil has many fooled. One person who may be fooled may read this blog someday and turn away from Satan's trickery and start following Jesus. Keep planting these seeds!

    1. Thank you for reading! and for the encouraging words! Hopefully many people will understand that God's Word is true and turn from the wickedness of the devil. Have a blessed day! :)
