Friday, July 26, 2013

Cause and Effect

Hello! Yes, I'm finally writing again. Sorry for this late post, a bunch of things have come up lately keeping me very busy. First, let me say how Great our God is! He has blessed me exceedingly!

Recently, I came across something in Henry Morris' The Biblical Basis for Modern Science that caught my attention. It was the Principle of Cause and Effect. Something I hadn't looked into much. If you're not sure what this principle is, I'll explain it a little. It's basically the principle stating that although one cause has many effects, no cause can be either quantitatively greater than or quantitatively superior to its First Cause. To sum it up, an effect can't be greater than the cause which started it. A chain of effects must trace back to a First Cause. And what is The First Cause? Do we even have a First Cause? The law of cause and effect states there must be a First Cause! From Henry Morris' The Biblical Basis for Modern Science, we see a list of causes:

 The First Cause of limitless space must be infinite. 
The First Cause of endless time must be eternal. 
The First Cause of boundless energy must be omnipotent.
 The First Cause of infinite complexity must be omniscient. 
The First Cause of love must be loving. 
The First Cause of life must be living. 

Thus, the First Cause of the Universe must be an infinite, eternal, omnipresent, omnipotent, personal, volitional, holy, loving, living being! 

And who do we know that is all of these? God - The Ultimate First Cause! God is the Divine Creator of absolutely everything. And without Him was nothing made. Some get confused when they hear God is the Ultimate First Cause, 'cause who made God? No one made God. God always has been and always will be. Just as numbers are infinite, so is the Loving God who created us. God is the Creator of everything, which means He created space and time. God is outside the realms of time though, which means He didn't have to have a beginning, nor an end. If God had a beginning, then where was His First Cause? How far can causes go back? They must have one sole resource - a First Cause, which can only be God. There cannot be many gods as polytheism teaches or dualism. There must only be One First Cause. We are in a Universe, not a multi-verse. God created the World by Himself and for His glory. If more than one God created the world then the world would be a multi-verse and a confused disaster.

Atheistic evolutionists might say the principle of cause and effect traces back to the big bang, but could such a random disaster create such beautiful things? The principle of cause and effect states that no effect can be greater than its cause, but the big bang says otherwise. The effects in the big bang must be greater than the cause, which scientifically can't be possible. No random event, such as the big bang, could have ever created such a complex universe. Was the big bang loving? If not wherein did we get love? Was the big bang eternal, infinite, omnipotent, omnipresent, personal, volitional, holy, living being? No, it was not. The big bang was, and is only a theory created in the minds of wicked man.

The only event that could ever bring forth the universe is God approximately 6,000 years ago creating the heavens and the earth, then saying "Let there be Light". Thus, starting the beautiful week of creation, where God created the world in just six days and resting on the seventh. It didn't take God millions of years to create the world, neither did he rest for millions of years. Just six 24 hour days. Yes, the sun wasn't created until day 4, but we don't need the sun to make a day. A day is the time the earth spends on its axis once. What? Does God not know the future? Did God not know what a literal day meant when He said He created the world six days? Can anything be impossible for God who made everything? Must God be under our laws, or we His? A God who breathed life into man, could have made everything in a second, but He created the world in six days as part of His divine plan. Giving us a beautiful calendar picture of each week. We have an amazing God who can do all things!